
Cambodia, but not going :B

 Haha like my title said again, I'm just not going ):
To those who wonders why am I keep repeating about Cambodia, heres some pictures taken on last year's AOF4 (Angkor Of Faith), it's actually a missionary camp.
I'm dissapointed I couldn't be there, I mean, it's totally a different yet the best experience I've ever had. If I haven't been there, trust me, I'll still be living in my princess world-_-. This trip definitely taught me how much God has given to every of us. The singspiration there was just amazing, I once cried while singing, LOL :\ And so now all I get to do, is to stare at this computer screen & wait for videos & photos & masseges from my friends who are attending AOF5. :\
Dad is....bleah, don't wanna explain again. I felt, idk, like the people are serving and helping out there, and what about me? Still online here? Pfffffffffftttt. I think dad sees my point now, but it's too late, because the camp starts TODAY.
This was taken in Tonle Sap.
This little kid was on the boat with his mom & sister, came near our boat and guess what? His sister climb into our boat and start selling stuff. I'm like..woa! This boy, he's trying to sell that snake. (:
Ben. Picture taken right after he gave me that bracelet! The kids there gives you their hand-made bracelet if they like you. I hope he still remember's me! One of the first kids that I think of and felt sad for not being able to see them this year ): He's a really sweet & kind hearted guy.
Miss you, Ben! Hope to see you next year AOF6 probably. );
And this was taken out side of a (something like 7-11), beside Bakong, the guesthouse we stayed.
The second and third guy from left isn't participants from our camp. So happens they're Malaysians too and met in Cambodia. So.."One Malaysia" pose. :D
Both was taken in Blue Pumpkin. One of the favourite cafes we like there. Prettily cosy & nice ice creams & burgers! Breads at great discounts after 8pm. :D
Siem Riep, the street.
We went to a school to help out, some taught ABC, times, Maths & etc. Others like me, help to repaint the err, windows? The wooden windows. (: I HAVEN'T PAINT ANYTHING YET IN MY ENTIRE LIFE MAN. Except painting on a paper-_-
Va, this was my buddy last year. Buddy means, every participant of this camp has to have a buddy (a local kid). And they're gonna hangout with you for this whole camp. Also one of the first kids I think of and felt sad for not being able to be there this year ):. Hope he still remembers me! Miss him loads, he's a nice kid (;
I still remember Dao (golden haired kid), Kyna's buddy, helped all of us to take a cup of that drink. He's so kind! Dao & Va always sticks together. So whenever me or Kyna wants to find our buddy, we have to find each other first. Cause it means, me & Kyna have to stick together too. LOL.
And this was at Angkor Wat! I didn't finish climbing it-_- Got too tired & the weather was killing my energy out! Hopefully I'll be there next year. Which is exactly one year from now? Fml. I said exactly the same thing last year while the camp just over. And now I have to wait for another one year again. Pffffffftttttttt.

AOF5, in my prayer.