Hi. Well sorry for this gloomy face, I won't deny it because this is what my mood would looks like right now. That dog face. (:
Well anyway, I know I told you I went for an education fair just yesterday in Midvalley? And yes, here I am, another education fair at Suria KLCC. Do I enjoy education fair that much? I don't, it digs the hell outta me. But I got excited whenever I think of studying abroad, hohoho! :D
Here's a picture of me, and the E..R bear. My dad actually bought one of this (a smaller version) for me when he came back from Europe, that was many years back then. The bear..still in my living room (: Well, nearby the door side, welcoming us home whenever.
Labels say: Please do not touch.
But hah, I touched it, who's gonna care? :p
Anyway, I was still so upset that I wasn't in Cambodia with Kyna & the others, I even wore my AOF4 shirt while shopping, LOL. Seriously, I didn't know my parents want to take me here, I thought after attending church then I'll just go home for good. So, I didn't make an effort dressing up again :/
Food first before shopping! And this pasta? Not bad. Got it from one of the stalls in the Food Junction. Add on, there were many people queuing up at that time, and they blocked the pictures of the food. So naturally, I stuck my head to see the pictures of the food lorr (between the people queuing up). And I think a few of the peoples queuing up are Taiwanese, and they looked at me weirdly, having that "what are you doing?!" look on their face. So I just waved my hand and said "Oh, nothing!" and smiled. And the Taiwanese girl, who is younger than me I guess, asked her friend:" Ni de peng you ah?" (Meaning, you're friend?? in english).Her friend shakes head and they continue to look at me like I had a third eye on my face.-_- Wtf man, I was just trying to be polite! I got quite upset so I stopped smiling and pretend to act cold and started queuing up behind them. Well, you know my attitude. (;
After a still-not-very-satisfying-lunch due to the bloody two Taiwanese, we moved on to head to the fair. On the way I saw them..
I think they are fans club of Jang Keun Suk. There's a camera filming them saying:" Jang Keun Suk you'll always be the star shining for ever...blah blah".
Always liked the enviroment here. If I wore nicely, were in the mood & that I'm coming here with my friends instead of my parents? Trust me, we'll camwhore (; Just happens that all of the three above didn't happen.
*P/s, no pictures of the fair. Wasn't in the mood. But while I walk out of the hall, guess what I saw? :D
:D :D :D :D :D
This actually made my day! :D My dslr actually found it's home. Home of SONY! Hehe.
It's actually a.....I don't know how to say? But this hall here has all the newest model of Sony's cameras and dslr! Professionals photographers around the place, people teaching you how to use your Sony baby properly, a whole load of creatively taken pictures around the wall and little little stuffs for you to take photos! It's a heaven for photographers!!! :D
Even models & lighting stands for you to take your picture! ; A talkshow of teaching you how to use your Sony baby.
Panorama shoot.
Some models. Thanks I know I looked out. :B Again, should have dressed properly, sigh!
Mommy's facourite "Bing Ma Yong"!
It's soooo cool! Everyone here has their own camera or dslr :D And all of them kept taking pictures of just anything while they're walking. They can runnnnnnnnn just to snap that perfect shot, or just suddently stop dead at their tracks to snap. Proof that I'm still normal! Heheeeee ;D
He actually scared me when I just walk outta the hall. Cause it's really dark in there and suddently this guy just appeared infront of me, I'm like..woa! And wow, mind taking a picture with me? ;D
This is a shot where when I was walking away from the hall, quite a distance from the hall already actually. And then there's a few of them running out from the hall dslr in hand to me and asked me if I could pose with this badge, LOL. I think there's the smile hunt competition going on, I guess.
White coffee? (:
Okay, looks like there's some mould on my mouth or something-.-. Dads face :D
Favourite shot of the day. :D
I said it looks like some game I've once tried in Taiwan, but mom said it looks like spider web. :\
Well, it's just the mall.
Anyway, Happy Birthday Joel!
Have fun & serve well in Cambodia. Sorry couldn't be there, will miss loadsa fun I know ):
Blognights peeps, xx.
Still, AOF5, in my prayer.